Wednesday, February 11, 2009

In the news!

So most everyone who knows me knows how much I hate the news. It's negativity is just something I prefer to live without on a daily basis. I have seen alot of conversations lately about an "in the news" story. I didn't know all the facts so I looked up all the video interviews and watched them. The story is about the mom who just had the octuplets.

As always when it comes to storys about fertility my opinion is not one of black and white, it's more of a grey. Listening to her interview I can understand her desire to have alot of children. I can understand her not wanting to throw the unused embryo's out. I can even understand that they had placed 6 embryo's before and she only came out with one child, so why would she think it would be different this time.

The facts as I know them are
* All the children were conceived using IVF
* All the children have the same father
* The father is not present in their lives
* The mother is unmarried
* The mother is unemployed
* The mother was living off of student loans
* The mother was recieving some government aid
* The mother has 6 other children (other than the octuplets)
* All the other children are aged 7 and under
* There are one set of twins all the other children are single births

Now there are more facts but these happen to be the one's I highlighted....all of these facts were taken from a dateline interview. She has a website set up so people can send donations and leave comments.

Now I have expressed what I understand about the situation.

Heres what I don't understand. Why not donate the viable embryo's to some wonderful people who can't make their own?
Why not wait until you have a feesable way to pay for all the children you want?
Why not just be thankful for the 6 healthy happy children you have already?

It's hard for understand the latter of these the most. I know there have to be hundreds of women in the world like me who would want nothing more in life than to be able to have a child or 2 or 3. I would never presume to speak for all of us, but as for me. The option of having a "litter" of children is not only to far fetched to imagine it pains me to think some one does and may not be able to properly care for them. I'm not saying I'm the greatest mother or provider in the world....I just don't understand the concept of one having so much and so many others having so little. I'm sure their are hundreds of people in the world who have so much to give a child...and here this woman has 14 now and no idea how she's gonna pay for them...let alone show each one the attention and love it needs on a personal basis. I wish them all....the whole family all the love and blessings in the world...I just don't understand how some can be blessed with sooo much and others blessed with nothing. I myself was blessed with a child, but there are others who have not been so blessed. I wish them the best as well, I remember well the angst and want of the joy a child brings. I can't help but think a story like this would just add to frustration. So to all who may be experiencing the heartache of infertility, I could only say think positive, love often and know you will get your due in time.

This is the link to the dateline interviews.

This is the link to her website.