Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week wrap up!

It's time for another wrap up of the week!

We still haven't found out about Chet's test. That pisses me off but Chet says they don't have to tell us at all they could just make us wait till the letter comes. That could take a couple of weeks. So for the sake of my sanity let's hope they tell him tomorrow or tue.

Other than that the word for the week is SICK that is what we have been here lately. It's going around really bad. Strep, sinus infection, and bronchitis are whats all around us. I think we just have colds but still it's not much fun. Shy hasn't gotten it yet so I'm totally thankful for that anyway. Chet and I have managed to stay on opposite sides of the "feeling shitty side" I felt really bad sat. He took wonderful care of me and by sat. evening I was feeling a bit better. He felt really bad sun. I was doing ok still not feeling great but good enough to try to take care of him.

Other than the lasting wonderment over the test and the lack of strong immune's all been pretty bland around here.

I did find out today that shy has brought all her grades up, and other than having trouble with graphs in math she is doing really well!

So here we go off to another week!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Shy!!! Hope you guys get to feeling better soon. ;)