Friday, July 3, 2009

Girl Scout Meltdown Story!

Okay so here's my latest meltdown story....

So a couple of months ago my co-leader and I sat our troop down and offered them 3 choices for summer camp this year....after much debate discussion, and many many many questions they decided on one. I talked to all the parent's about financial aid as I always do, however with the economy being in the state it currently is I knew this year more people than ever would be needing the aid, so I sent the apps in a month before the camp was to start. Ridiculously thinking that would surely be enough time to get approval and registration done. Our original camp date was the first week of June, I had several conversations with the Representative at the council about when the app's would be done and I could get the girls registered. Keep in mind there are limited spaces for camp so I wanted to get the girls registered as quickly as possible to ensure availability. I was told on two different occasions, that the apps would be complete the following week....on both occasions the app's were not finished as fact the apps were not complete before the June camp date came....I was frantic thinking the girls had lost the chance to go to the Representative and I changed the camp date for the girls to a July date. The app's were finally finished and the girls were registered for camp as of June 1st. I have called at least once a week every week for a month asking for a supplies list and schedule. Camp is this coming Monday. I have 2 parent's who received letters of supplies and schedules. One received it last Monday, and one received it yesterday! I and 3 other parent's never received any notification. So basically the Girl Scouts gave 4 sets of parent's 48hrs....on a holiday weekend to get everything their child needed for camp....some of the parent's have older children that have gone to camp, and have most of the parent does....for the rest of us, we spent all day yesterday and today scrambling to put all the supplies together for our girls. Consequentially I copied and rushed 3 supply lists all over town yesterday and then made a frantic dash to wal-mart and a few other stores to get my girl ready for camp. To say this entire process has been frustrating is an understatement....I am appalled at the way my girls and parent's have been treated. I have two girls who are leaving the troop because of this camp fiasco, and one who's parents took her out of camp completely due to the fact they are out of town and had no way to get the required supplies.....she has since put her child back into the my girl is all packed and excited and ready for gods she better have good time.

That is my Girl Scout Meltdown story!