Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just Thinking

Just some random thoughts today.
(thinks meaningfully)
Life is moving like it always does and the stresses just keep piling up, I try to be optimistic that all will work out for the best and I know it will. After all it can't be that bad I'm not dead yet(wink wink).
I feel lately somehow distracted from my life as a whole and far away from those I love and depend on. (looks into space longingly)
I guess its just pms, or the big "d" word (crinkles nose and shakes head) or something even less romantic and meaningful like boredom. (raises eyebrow and nods smiling)
Either way I must admit I have been doing better lately about thinking on the bright side and hoping for the best no matter what really happens. (smiles sheepishly)
I have been trying really hard to be in a better mood and not bring everyone around me down.
I try to keep up with so many around me weather it be monetarily or, in relationships or with a new pair of flip-flops. I'm hoping to grow out of this immature and somewhat unsettling phase of my life soon (sigh), maybe.