Friday, October 10, 2008

In response to your blog!

I have a day off and therefore am feeling.....insightful (please hold all laughter till the end of the blog) any way I read a friends blog recently...2 day in fact. It was entitled the calm before the storm. This and what she had to say got me thinking...she expresses (I'm paraphrasing here) her nervousness about it all being so good....which reminds me of one of my favorite music quotes "somethings gotta go wrong cuse I'm feeling to damn good"....any way it got me to thinking, I have felt for awhile now that I was in the middle of a storm....I have been walking gently waiting for the wind to stop blowing and the rain to stop pouring and the clouds to part....however after reading her blog today I began to reconsider my position.... in life at this moment....(you know how much I love to play the questions with no answers game) what if this is the calm....what if everything I've been visualizing and hoping and convincing myself will happen is about to....that would mean...(here comes the lets pretend game)....I'm going to get a job custom fit to me....Chet has passed his test....buying a house is not only possible but woes disappear....(I love this game) and I could go on all day, but the point of my pointless ramblings are what if I am starting to get so used to good I sometimes mistake challenges for bad....I believe there is a difference....I spent a great many years making bad look good for the sake of every one around me....including me.... but I must be the first to admit I have been overly blessed with so much good lately it's possible I have allowed myself to become de-sensitised to the overwhelming good of it all....the simple satisfactions of a quiet evening at home....the simple joy of hearing my daughter laugh its such a simple pure innocent laugh....the insane happy feeling I get when my husbands eyes light up when I get home from work....the way I still get butterflies in my stomach when he looks into my eyes right before he kisses me deeply....these are all things I feel I may very well be taken for granted....and if my predictions are correct (which they usually are) the storm is on it's way....not here yet....It will be a welcome storm a storm of possibility and love and blessings and dreams becoming reality....perhaps my friends blog has made me realize I've had the "calm before the storm" feeling for some time I've just been to busy wanting for more I've confused it for exhaustion and struggle....when what's really been going on is L-I-V-I-N....allow me to explain when my husband and I were just friends I would tell him my whole life was about survival....I even have a tattoo dedicated to it....he would tell me he was gonna teach me how to live....not survive of our favorite quotes is (we like quotes in case you were wondering) "Just keep livin"....and as I sit here in my bathrobe on my day off...the first in quite a while...I realize we have been livin....livin doesn't mean it's a fairy means your feeling and fighting and loving and enjoying and....well livin! So to my friend who wrote the blog I have no right or ability to give any worthwhile advice I will say to you....I say breath deep look around take it all in and let it all go if there is a storm I know you well enough to have total faith you will handle it like a pro and there wont be a hair out of place when it blows over....I would also say it may be just maybe it's pure and total have some amazing blessing about to take place in your life as well and it's possible just possible you have forgotten what that feels like....I don't presume to tell you how you feel...nor would I want to....however as I have just blogged sometimes it can all be mixed up and can take a lot of time to figure out....and as a woman I know I for one I am guilty of finding a quick answer to how I'm feeling because I feel I shouldn't spend to much time trying to figure my own feelings out....not that you do this but I know I could always be women's intuition and their is a storm coming....either way I know you'll be great....remember just keep livin....and who knows maybe the storm is the same storm and it's bringing wonderful blessings and changes of good fortune to both of fact I think that's what it is and therefore we have no reason to dread it....we have only to accept it as it comes and be thankful!