Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I hate mean don't misunderstand.....everyone can be mean I know...even me. I'm talking about those people who continuously make a point to be mean at any and every given opportunity. It's like they forgot simple honest know the little things like "thank you" and "please"....I for one believe when the little things are forgotten the bigger more important things are all but forgotten. For instance if someone never says "please" or "thank you" or "excuse me" what are the chances this person is gonna pull over after an accident and make sure you don't need a phone call made. Though it's been happening for a long time in our country I'm not only not used to it, but I refuse to become used to it. Weather in a position of dealing with customers or just out on the loose without adult supervision, humans as a whole should be taught simple and basic manners. I don't expect the world to act as if were all guests at the queen of England's dinner table, but would it kill people to show a little "nice". Because Nice Matters People it really does. Would it be so painful for some of these arrogant ass's to smile or hold a door or let an opportunity to be rude to someone pass them by without action. I mean come on people most of our mothers would be appalled if they knew we behaved that way. Although, I'm sure some of you learned the behavior from your mothers, do you really wanna pass those bad habits on to your children?

Maybe you do, maybe you see nothing wrong with your inconsiderate and rude behavior, maybe you pride yourself on being the biggest ass anyone knows. If you are that person I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. No one likes you....I don't care if you think you have a hundred one likes you....these people are around because they owe you something and can't get away till their debt is paid off or they want something from you and their just bidding their time till they get it....they are talking shit behind your back....they are laughing at you when your not looking....they only spend as much time with you as they "have" to.....they do not like will not be remembered as a great part of their lives in the end. They will not think of you in any good fashion after they have used you for whatever they need. So you keep being proud of your unwanted and unnecessary attitude....just keep in mind one day you will be alone....all alone....and I'm willing to bet when you call someone to come visit you....your more than willing to say "please" and "thank you" which is after all where all the trouble began in the first place!