Monday, May 11, 2009

Finally an interesting weekend!

Okay so it's been forever since I blogged, mostly because not a whole lot has been going on. Chet was rained out of work for a week. He's back to work and working overtime to boot. Shy is still doing wonderful at school. I have been delving into my role of "Domestic Goddess" with gusto. Other than that it's pretty much been business as usual at the Turner mansion. I use the term mansion very loosely! This weekend however was a total un-norm for us....un-norm....yep that sounds like it's a word or one that should be if it isn't.

J came into town to hang out and go to the Slipknot concert with Chet. It was one of our graduation presents for her. We also got her a leather journal, 'cause no doubt college is gonna give her plenty to journal about! She got in about 2am Sunday morning and her Chet and I stayed up till 6am talking and catching up. Then we all went to bed....I'm not sure what time Chet got up....way to early, but I got up around 10 and of course I promptly woke J up. We all had a delish breakfast, thanks to Big Daddy of course. Then we got dressed and J went and had lunch with a friend of hers and when she got back Chet and I went to his Aunt and Uncles and Shy went with J to take birthday presents to her cousin. When everyone got back to the house Big daddy and J got ready and headed off to the concert. Shy and I made up some leftovers for dinner and then cuddled up in Big daddy and I's bedroom and watched Mamma Mia....for the 2,847 time! We had a really good time having a little bonding moment...we love to sing along with musicals! I dozed off on the couch after Shy went to bed and around 11 I started texting Chet he said the traffic was insane and they were gonna be awhile. They got home about 1 soaked through with sweat and I don't even know what else. They were so excited about the concert talking about how fun it was. I was just glad they had a good time. J was super stoked to find bruises on herself from the concert.

So on Monday I got up and got the girls off to school and after they were on their way I went back to bed. J was still sleeping so I figured I could get a good hour or two more. We got up about 10am. J wanted to go get her industrial piercing so we got around and I did a few mundane Monday responsibility's and we were off to get her piercing. Along the way I mentioned that I had thought about getting a nose piercing. She of course was like, totally you have to it would be so cool! After we got to the tattoo parlor I thought about it and had totally talked myself out of it, when on a whim I decided to text Chet and see what he thought....I was thinking he would be appalled by the idea and that would clench it up for he was so totally for I might actually have to do before I could change my mind I gave the man the money and signed on the dotted line. It was painful, more than an ear, but less than a tongue. Now that it's been a couple of hours it's kinda throbbing a bit, I keep twisting and turning it. I am however already thinking of uber cute nose rings I've seen.

Now a little more detail about Sat. Chet's aunt called him and told him to come over for lunch actually she invited the whole family. Unfortunately Shy and I already had plans. So Chet went over to his aunt's and Surprise! His Grandpa and Grandma from Texas were in town! It had been a really long time since Chet had seen them. To say he was stoked was an understatement. He came home in a stellar mood. Although we had plans most of the next day with Jess he told me he wanted us to go over on Sun. so I could meet them. Now as everyone knows the tension between Chet's family and myself couldn't be cut with a knife....You would need a chainsaw....but he was so excited, he wanted so bad for us to be able to visit with them. So I took a deep breath and agreed. I gotta admit I was not looking forward to being treated as the unwanted guest. Much to my relief and surprise, I was treated wonderfully! Chet had told me many times when I finally met D and R I would love them and he was right I did love them. They were fun and I can't wait to know them better. They told us we had to come visit, and I am totally stoked to make it happen. T went out of her way to make sure I felt welcome, she was warm and friendly. I had a really good time. It was fun conversation. After all my worrying I was so happy I went and I was super stoked that Chet was so thrilled he got to spend some time with his family and his wife! All in all it was a wonderful experience.

So between the family, concerts, stress, introductions, late nites, and body was truly the most fun weekend in a long while! The worst part was saying good bye to J. I can't wait to see her again! She truly is a most wonderful and amazing human being and I feel truly blessed to know her.


Lisa said...

I can't believe you got your nose pierced! You are much braver than I.. Can't wait to see pictures of it! I'm sure you ROCK IT!