Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Having faith, and belief!

So my boss called on Sunday evening..... not normal..... we discussed the schedule for the week..... the same as always...... and then she paused and said can you have dinner with me sometime this week.....background....the only time I have ever had a serious complaint about my job I asked her to meet me for dinner so we could talk about the situation with out being interrupted by kids. It worked out well we talked it all out and solved the problem right there in a matter of hours over martinis. I was nervous about this I thought I had been doing a good job I was following all the guidelines we set forth at the first "dinner meeting". Anyway we had our dinner tonight and while the conversation was some of what I expected some of it I wasn't ready for. Long story short my job will be ending alot sooner than I had anticipated....not because she asked it to or because she wanted it to....I made the decision....and it was not easy....she asked me to change my schedule to one that was very unfriendly to my girl....I was only willing to do that for a very very short time. So I am about to embark on a new I have no idea where it will lead....I'm excited, sad, eager, scared, and hopeful all at the same job came when I needed it the most hand delivered to me on a silver platter by the universe in a neat little package....I believe with all my heart and soul that this will happen again I believe the universe has heard my requests and I am moving in the direction to lead me to the end I have requested. So here we go faith strong hopes high, and expectations waiting to be met!