Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In Love!!

I am such a newlywed! I was sitting on the couch last night cuddled under our honeymoon blanket with my husband, and I looked across the room at our favorite picture from the wedding day. Which happens to be in a beautiful frame....a wonderful wedding present...and I felt such completeness....such satisfaction....were not rich but the bills are paid....were not glamorous, but were are very sexy people! I realized in that moment as our daughter slept peacefully in the next room and the bird was quiet for the first time all day and the dog was on the floor snoring happily...there was no where else I wanted to be I couldn't have asked for anything else in the world. I was in a fairy tale not the kind they read to me when I was little but a real life one. I looked at my husband and said " I think were in one of those kind's of love affairs that people write poems about, and sing songs about, and romantic movies are made of. Thank you to the universe! I also thought about friends who haven't found this kind of love yet, or who have and are forced to be separated for any number of reasons. I think of you all often I wish nothing but the best for you. Keep the faith and know you will have this feeling yourself weather for the first time or again. Stay strong and know you are loved.