Saturday, January 17, 2009


I recently had some unpleasant experiences with some unpleasant people....I am trying to be a more positive really I therefore I am not allowing myself to even give these people the satisfaction of taking the smile off my face. I am hoping we will hear something about the house of yet still no word still just a hope and dream of mine....but as of recently another opportunity has opened up to us, one I am also very excited about....another house...I don't know much detail about this one, but hopefully.....we'll see....anyway I did my yearly tarot the other day...I have never done this before...a really good friend of mine does it every year she says it's a tradition for I decided I would try my intuition's been telling me for months that 2009 is our year, all really great things are gonna happen for us this year....I can just feel it in my gut.... and my yearly tarot cards said the same I'm so excited for this whole year to pan out and all these really great things to start happening for us.....we so deserve it and I am so ready for all the positivity, and joy and just livin. I almost can't contain my excitement I'm just so convinced it's all happening for us this year....I know there will be some negativity there always is....but for some reason I just think it will be minimized this year...minimized a lot to an almost non-existent state of being....I just can't wait and my new years resolution is to keep my personal self in a constant state of positivity....or at least as constant as possible! So here's to a great new year and all the great things we deserve finally coming our way!!! And as always I say to anyone who isn't rooting for us and who is hatin' on us....Fuck You!!! And kiss my ass as I walk away smiling....yeah you!


twinkle teaches said...

I don't know you--I just clicked on your blog from ScrapJazz, but I am going through something similar at another scrap forum and basically said FU to the site owner I worked for this week. I have no regrets! So good luck with '09.