Sunday, March 22, 2009

Turner family week.

Ok, so It's sat nite and it's time for the Turner family "Week in review".

On Monday of this week I was told by my boss I would not be needed after Friday. So while I was saddened by this announcement, she was in hysterics.....I decided right then to try to keep a stern, and positive attitude about the situation. I sent her a very honest heartfelt, and beautiful e-mail. She was feeling better after that.

It was Shy's spring break this week and she was overly excited to be seeing the kids. I took her to work with me everyday, but Fri. She stayed over on Sun night, that started her week off with a slumber party! Needless to say she seemed to have a wonderful week, and I'm happy to report her attitude which we have begun referring to as "code red", was for the most part in check this week. She was helpful and was good to just get along again. She had a friend stay Tues night. All the girls had a blast!

On Thursday Shy and I were headed home and went shopping! I had told her when the week began, if she did chores she could earn money. Our own house was spotless on account of we all came home Monday and cleaned furiously....due to out of town company. So the agreement was she would do chores at work, resulting in cash. It had been such a long time since she and I had been shopping I wanted to go and help her spend it! She got a couple of silly things and I got a couple of silly things, and then we went to Starbucks! We had the same thing her's was of course minus the 2 shots of espresso, but it was super fun! She went to her father's later that evening,

Chet worked all week, as usual, and he finally heard back from the Dr. office....they called to tell him test results would be another week or two.....the rate at which modern medicine moves is staggering! I guess I should just be thankful he's not dying.....he would have to postpone it until the tests were back.

My week was pretty great! I got to see some very close friends, make some truly fun future scrapbook plans! I also had a couple of the worst shopping trips ever...I can't really blog about would take to much coffee! I did thoroughly enjoy my last week with the kids. It was good to get to know them all again. I got some great pics and I can't wait to scrap them! We watched Mamma Mia twice a day everyday!! No exceptions! I was ok with that I have been in love with the movie since Chet and I took shy to see it in the theatre! That movie trip turned out a lot better than our last.....Sunday last we took Shy to see Coraline....about 45mins into it Derby lost power....yeah like half the town! We did get tickets to see it again, but it kinda ruined the mood.

On Thursday night,Chet and I did some shopping and tried to get to bed a little early....didn't work, but we had a good nite that included a final visit from family. We had two members of family in town this week and I couldn't have been more excited to see either one, it was great to catch up, and talk! On Friday I worked and after I met Chet at home and we got ready to go out with friends, we had a great dinner and some fun afterwards, it was wonderful to catch up with them.....we really don't hang out enough. It was ruder!!! (private joke)

On Sat we set out to buy some of the supplies for the bathroom floor.....and before the day was over, we had expanded our family. We adopted a beautiful, Newfoundland, his name is Kody, and I will be posting pics and making announcements! Shy has yet to meet our new family member so I am really eager to see her and Kody interact. I will be returning to my glamorous life of domestic goddess, tomorrow when I will catch up all the laundry and do my best to stay on top of the mess, right now it looks pretty good, but I'm thinking a 129 lb baby boy can change that.....quickly! I Hope you all had a wonderful week! I hope you have an even better one this week!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My friend

Have you ever had a friend or friends, that you said goodbye to, and barely kept in touch with. Then one day you reconnect, and you spend some time together and it's like you never left each other. Then you fade away from each other and that's when it hits much your gonna miss this much you did miss this they meant so much more to you than even you realized.

I am currently in this situation, I have reconnected with someone, I didn't even realize I missed until that we will be parting again. I treasure this person, they are a true joy to be around. I adore the conversations we have the laughs, the cocktails, everything. I have always believed it's a persons choice to stay in touch, but it was pointed out to me recently by my dh that when things change I won't keep in touch, and it's not from want...sometimes life just has a way...... of getting in the way. We both have families and while hers is much larger and more demanding than mine (her life as well) I know myself well enough to know I will absorb myself back into my own life to such extent it won't include her or her life. It's just one of those things. We'll part ways smiling making promises to see each other often and we'll mean it, but for some reason or reason's we won't follow thru. We'll chat every once in awhile about the kids and the husbands and her glamorous life and my lack there of and that will be it.

A really great friend of mine always says that people come in and out of our lives for a reason, we take something from them, they take things from us. I believe everyting happens for a reason, and I think the way I'm feeling now may very well be the reason. I needed to know relationships like this one were real. I needed to know people bonded this strong. I needed to know the meaning of the word friend was so much more than what I had experienced in my life up till now. I needed to know and love someone who asked nothing of me, but my friendship, and gave everything in return.

In the last couple of days we have both expressed feelings, we haven't said to each other ever. She has expressed a desire for me not to "disappear", and I finally broke down and told her just how much I love and adore her. I have always prided myself on not ever letting anyone make me feel less than or lower than them. Yet I have always felt that way about her. I have always felt she was living my ideal life. Yet she always builds me up, telling me the not so glamorous stories, showing me the gritty under belly of her life. I've always wandered if she did this because she sensed my feelings of inadequacy, or if she just doesn't want it to look easier than it is.

I will be leaving her and her beautiful family soon. I will no longer be an intricate part of her life. I will no longer have the opportunity to see how the other half lives, to peak into and share in some of the most fascinating things about her and her families life. Change has never bothered me as much as it does some people, it may be a bit scary, but I have always welcomed it with open arms. My curiosity has always been strong enough to push me around the bend. However, I'm sitting here tonight thinking I don't want this to end, not all because of the kids, more because of her. It's literally hitting me just now how important this woman has become to me. My female relationships have always been extremely important. I chalk that fact up to my lack of any relationship with my mother. Her relationship has meant more to me than any female relationship in my my sisters. She has shown me time and time again what an adult healthy, giving, loving, generous, friendship means.

While all this is good and well to say and admit, I know, I just know this is the end of something, it will never be this way again. It will always be this comfortable and wonderful between us, but it will be different, I won't know her as I do now. I won't be privy to her insights and the inner workings of her life as I am now. I guess I just feel like I'm losing my friend. I hate losing friends, and I gotta admit this one hurts more than ever. Perhaps it's just a mood, or perhaps, just perhaps it's the first real best friend I've ever had....all I know is it hurts. It feels like a piece of me is dying, like part of my very soul is disappearing.

I love you friend and I will miss you, I will think of you more than you will ever know. I hope sometimes when your having a really great cocktail you will think of me to, and say to yourself, Monica would love this I wish she was here...... and then I will be.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Here we go again!

Ok people listen up and gather 'round it's time for our week in review.

So Chet was out of town again last week and that sucked really bad....we totally had an argument thurs nite....yes a long distance argument can be done, it takes work and that whole "make-up sex" thing is a no go, but with some timing and overreacting it's totally possible.

Shy was with her dad this week so it was just me and the dog...I didn't do much on Mon. and Tue. On Wed I went back to the court house to no avail...yet again.... that was also when I found about our family friend.

I went to a small shop in town on Thurs. and bought a new bag...retail thereapy... and got Shy a way to expensive shirt...but it was adorable and she never asks for anything anymore...except a cell I got it for her. I went to the funeral and delivered the casserole....and got hired back....yep I wasn't asked to come back but it was made pretty clear that I was needed so I volunteered.

I had lunch at school with Shy on Fri. and picked her up after, we fought, it seems we do that a lot, and I mean a lot lately...puberty...phase...or just spoiled I don't know what it's totally possible it may even be me and not her at all.

Chet had to stay an extra night and didn't get home till late Sat. nite. I delivered yet more g.s. cookies on Sat. I hung out at "my other family's" on sat evening till Chet called to say he was in town. Then on Sun...after ample "alone and happy time" we came back to the "other family's" so Chet could visit with everyone.

We watched the last episode ever of the L word....golly I'm gonna miss those crazy lesbians...and another fascinating episode of U.S. Tara...I think I relate to that show a little to much for comfort. Shy was in great spirits Sun nite and I was glad to have some love time with her.

That's about it for last week see you all again in a week!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Good bye friend.

Our family has lost a true friend. We lost this person on Monday. This person was one of the very few, one comes across in a lifetime. This person shouldn't have meant as much as they did, and yet it seems....somehow right that they did. This person showed me personally immense kindness and trust before, they knew me. They gave so much of themselves to me, and my family the loss is tremendously felt. They were the kind of person that had an infections laugh, and truly gentle and honest spirit, the kind of person who would do kindness for the sake of doing who would go out of their way to be a help or of some use. This amazingly wonderful human being was an absolute and total pleasure to know and be associated with, I will miss them....alot....they have truly left a mark on my soul and I am confident I am the better for it. Our family sends their deepest condolences to the family, and please know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
We wish you all peace.

I found it almost impossible to type this....I know I didn't describe our friend with the justice they deserved. I guess you just had to know them....and then they would have made you feel special, and important, and remembered. You would have felt their warmth as well. We will miss you!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Another week done!!

Well another week has come and gone was a pretty low profile kinda week. It was just shy and I this week big daddy was out of town all week it was just the girls hanging all week....I had a girls day on my nails done had lunch out all with a good was a wonderful distraction....and I was super appreciative for it. After school I took Shy to the scrapbook store so she could spend her gift certificate from Valentines! She was really excited and she got everything she needed for a specific lo! It was a wonderful lo....I am so proud she did a total of 2 lo's this weekend and both were wonderful....did I mention how proud I am....she still complains that there not as good as mine, I just tell I've been doing it alot longer than she has and before long she'll be even better than I am....I don't think proud is a strong enough word....she seems even more excited the more stock she gathers...I will be posting her lo's on my scrap blog! This weekend was a bit more active....I for some reason was really combative....I kept starting fights over stupid things....I couldn't even understand myself why I was being such a pain in ass....I was texting a friend sat evening and telling her how big of a pain I was being and how it was killing me that I couldn't even understand why....she said "It's prolly 'cuse you know your gonna be alone next week and it's easier to let him leave when your mad at him." I totally had a light bulb moment....that not only made sense it was right on the money.... consequently I was in a much better mood Sunday....we had a wonderful day! I finally got all the papers from the lawyer over the weekend so I can make hopefully a final trip to wellington. Sat we spent 2 hrs delivering cookies and except a few that were not home were all done! She did so well this year....she didn't make her personal goal this year, but still she sold well over 200 boxes so, she did a wonderful job. I guess that about wraps it all up....I'll do it again next week!