Friday, August 29, 2008


I have spent alot of my life trying to "keep up with the Jones's". I am going to, from now on, try very hard not to be envious or jealous or spite full of what other people have. I am going to try to be happy for others when they have more then myself. I am going to attempt to know that anything I want I must go after myself, and make a legitimate effort to be as successful as I choose to be. I am going to make an effort to be comfortable with the fact that some people will always have more than I do. I am going to try to be ok not having the best of everything. I am going to try to not assume that people who do have it all are happy with what they do have. I am going to try to know and let it be known that I will be happy with what I have or will have. I will still keep striving to get a better and, bigger life, for myself and my family. I will try to remember, and live these things.....mostly because I know somewhere someone is striving to be, in life, just where I am.