Tuesday, August 5, 2008


okay I have apparently created 2 blogs now hahahaha typical Me! Any who I took off the pics of the bachelorette party, but never fear I'll put'em back and in a cool slide show thing to.

So it's the week of the wedding Whoo-Hoo! I can't even begin to try to describe my feelings at this point....the only obvious word seems to be "positive" I am totally positive about everything....the wedding is gonna be great the honeymoon's gonna be great....hell I even think the marriage is gonna be great! We have made huge efforts in the last couple of weeks to remove all the negative drama, feelings, and....well just the negative from our lives and it finally feels like we have done it. It feels as if a weight has been lifted from us....as if the grey clouds have been blown away by the wind and replaced by the glorious sun! It's just so wonderful to be completely happy and excited about this amazingly beautiful experience were having.

I am thrilled to report we are ready and eagerly awaiting the arrival of the day....and that's no small fete considering the drama and just plain b.s. that has been shoved at us in the last few months. I am super proud of us as well. We planned, payed for and will execute a beautiful wedding with little to no support from friends or family....there was no extra money from family, almost no outside help with preparations from friends....we did it.....we decided we wanted this and we went after it and we made it happen. I'm starting to believe we can do anything. Even faced with incidents that could have ruined or at the very least put a huge damper on our special occasion, we managed to cling to each other ride out the storm and still have this amazingly positive energy to pull us through to the last. I consider it a testament to our love and ability to overcome all things as long as we have our little family. Don't misunderstand the casualty list is long, loved one's were lost, bridges were burned, and feelings have been hurt beyond repair, but we can rest easy knowing we did what was right for us and we are not responsible for other peoples actions or choices.

I know for myself personally I will try to choose the people in my inner circle alot more carefully and I will not be so trusting, or eager to cater to someone else's feelings again. It's dangerous to let people to far into you....you never really know if they can be trusted.....until that one moment comes, and you have to see who they really are and what their really made of....the disappointment can be devastating as I have learned (the hard way) recently. I am thank full for the time I did have and for the memories I will forever cherish and keep. A good friend of mine says "people come in and out of our lives for a reason....we take and give things to/from these people and they move on....or we do, but everyone has left a mark no matter how small or great on us, and us on them. The trick is to try to make as much of the experience as positive as possible, no matter how difficult that may seem" I'm not sure I did that this time, but I did the best I could and will forever know that no matter what will or has happened I did take things and leave things and I learned things. One of my favorite quotes is "Beginnings are usually scary....endings are usually sad, but it's whats in the middle that counts." That I think is so very true. So here's to the endings (hopefully their done for awhile) and to all the beginnings (which are happening all the time) bring on the new people and let keep L-I-V-I-N!!